Best Bitcoin Wallet for Android Ios and PC

You certainly cannot use leather wallets for storing Bitcoins. Also, you cannot have a signed agreement stating your Bitcoin’s purchase, as well. In the typical sense of storage, a Bitcoin wallet will only hold your Bitcoins. Bitcoin Wallet is a virtual entity, which can store your Bitcoins and you can also transact your Bitcoins from them.

Key Takeaways

  • How Bitcoin Wallets Work?
  • Bitcoin Address
  • Various types of wallets
    • Cold storage
    • Hardware wallets
    • Hot wallets
    • Web wallets
    • Multi-signature wallets
    • Desktop Wallets
    • Mobile wallets
    • Brain wallets
  • How to create a Bitcoin Wallet?
  • Alternative way to create Bitcoin Wallet
  • How to send and receive Bitcoins?
  • How to view Transaction history?
  • Conclusion


How Bitcoin Wallets Work?

By adhering to the Bitcoin protocol, Bitcoin wallets can be used to send and to receive crypto-currencies. These wallets are complex software programs that allow people with limited or no technical expertise to interact with the Bitcoin block-chain to transact its global value without barriers.

Bitcoin is not stored in a wallet in the same way that money is stored in your wallet. Every bitcoin exists on the block-chain and you don’t actually have the specific bitcoin you hold. Instead, you possess the keys combination that enables you to access and move the bitcoin. When you safely store your keys, the bitcoin you buy is safe. At least one private key and one public key are contained in wallets. In short, the concept of a Bitcoin wallet is based on the combination of private key(s) and public keys.

Bitcoin Address

A Bitcoin address is like a conventional account number. However, unlike a bank account, several reception addresses can be generated by a single wallet. Hiding your original public key, you can provide these new addresses to those who want to send you bitcoin. New addresses are created on the basis of privacy, but the coins are still sent to the same wallet. Thus, your newly received Bitcoins can only be accessed and moved through the keys you have.

The Bitcoin block-chain is basically a very long list of addresses with address-by-address transactions taking place. You can use a backup key to recover your bitcoin if you forget or lose your wallet password / private key. Some wallets generate an additional key, in addition to the private and public key. This is called a backup key, which can be used as a mnemonic sometimes. A seed phrase may consist of a randomly generated seed words of up to 24 words. In some situations, two 12 words mnemonic phrases may be in your backup.

These phrases should be written on paper and stored with the greatest level of safety. The phrases will never be seen by the wallet customer and can, therefore, be made secure. Wallet recoveries can also be made via any Bitcoin wallet customer who offers the opportunity to import wallets by entering your seed phrases.

Various Types Of Wallets

Knowing about a Bitcoin wallet can be a matter of concern to your mind. Thus, we will explore different wallets in this section. When deciding which Bitcoin wallet to use, several factors have to be considered. Key considerations include how much bitcoin you plan to hold, the frequency to spend and, last but not least, the compromise between increased security and convenience.

Cold Storage Wallets

Cold storage wallets refer to a “cold storage” method for your bitcoin and are provided in the form of paper, hardware or USB wallets. It’s entirely offline. Many therefore call them offline wallets or paper wallets as well. Offline wallets are more sophisticated in terms of security than hot wallets or online wallets. This is because they are offline created and just have to be connected to the internet during bitcoin sending. They are not hosted on servers, so they are often not the target of hacking.

A paper wallet is the combination of the private key(s) and public key(s) that are printed on any material you wish to print (mostly including QR format). You can either print your wallet or just copy / paste your private keys into a document and hit print using a paper wallet generator.

Whatever you decide to do, it is important that you keep all information about the wallet clear and store it safely on your computer. It might be worth laminating the paper to prevent problems with durability as an additional precaution. Be cautious in protecting your wallet against natural disasters and in finding ways to keep the private key, secure.

Bitcoin Hardware Wallets

The physical storage of private keys on a hardware device is part of hardware wallets. Even when connected to the internet, these devices never reveal your personal key.

Hardware wallets can be connected to the web site of the manufacturer via Keepkey web site so that you can move your coins but remain offline. To confirm your transactions, you always need the device. Before your bitcoin can be sent to another wallet passwords act as authentication layers. One should avoid potential hacking from non-partners and only buy hardware from well-known manufacturers. Keepkey, Ledger and Trezor are the examples of hardware

Bitcoin Hot Storage Wallets

Hot wallets are always connected to the internet as opposed to cold wallets. Therefore, for convenience and security, people choose hot wallets. They are useful to keep smaller amounts of bitcoin, used regularly in transactions. Web, desktop and mobile wallets are a variety of types. Perks of using hot wallets are that they are usually without charges, easy to use and have quick access. Now, following are a few kinds of hot wallets:

Bitcoin Web Wallets

Web wallets are connected to online trading platforms, markets or other providers and enable Bitcoin transactions to be made instantly via a web browser. You deposit your coins into the online wallet of the service providers if you are using a web wallet. They are one of the least safe mode of storage and should not be used to store high bitcoin amounts.

However, they provide user-friendly, convenient solutions for sending, receiving and storing small amounts of bitcoin, and are available anywhere on the Internet. Web wallet customers sometimes hold your private key. It is therefore up to you to ensure the safety of your coins.

Some web wallet customers, however, implement multi-signature solutions to maintain full control of your coins and increase security. You can let go of your fear by providing extra security.

Web wallets also come in different kinds which are: Hosted (not preferred as can be hacked)- Coinbase and and; Non-Hosted (preferred as can be self-managed)- MyEtherWallet and Meta Mask.

Bitcoin Multi-Signature Wallets

Multi-signature wallets hold two different keys. To ensure the safety of one’s coins, the keys are divided between the relevant partners. The web wallet providers or people with a share wallet often use multi-signature solutions.

For Bitcoin transactions and for a wallet recovery, two out of three keys are required. Transactions are signed using a private key of the user and are verified by the wallet customer’s key. If a wallet is returned, the backup key and the key kept by the wallet customer are enough to regain access to your coins.

In any case, acquiring two keys are harder than one for a hacker, and so multi-signature solutions are better for improved safety. Two keys can also be more difficult to lose than one, if you store them separately. You can get access to your coins when you lose one. Best examples standing for multi-signature wallets: Armory and Xapo.

Bitcoin Desktop Wallets

Desktop wallets are one of the safest options as they are not third-party dependents, such as web or mobile wallets. They are still linked to the Internet, however, and their use involves some potential risks.

For instance, you could lose coins if your computer is hacked or contagious by a virus. Or you may also lose your coins if you lose your computer. The second case is why it is so important to back-up your wallet properly and to store backup information with great care, together with the possibility of accidentally deleting your wallet. Few examples: Exodus, Bitcoin Core, Electrum Jaxx’s Chrome Extension.

Mobile Wallets for IOS and Android

This kind of wallet is available on your mobile phone and stores the private key. These wallets are useful for fast transaction of small quantities of bitcoin, particularly in order to ensure that QR codes are easily scanned. However, because of both mobile and Internet security, they are not recommended for large-scale bitcoin storage. You can use a range of ways to protect your mobile wallet, including setting a strong password, multi-factor login and securely backing up your private key. These wallets, however, don’t provide much security nor privacy since we all know it’s easy to break or lose your phone. Coinomi, Electrum and Myecelium are some potential mobile wallets.

Android Wallet – Electrum Wallet, Mycelium, Trust Wallet,Guarda, Green Address, Bread Wallet, Edge Wallet, Jaxx Liberty
Ios Wallet – BRD,Jaxx Liberty

Brain Wallets

You could consider using a brain wallet when you feel risky. You store the information related to your wallet in form of strong passwords. The passwords will be in your Brain and thus, the name of Brain Wallets.

How To Create A Bitcoin Wallet?

The easiest and quickest way to start with Bitcoin is by creating a web wallet.

Many proven suppliers like Coinbase or Blockchain are in operation, which can help you to create your Bitcoin Wallet. We will show wallet creation using the blockchain, because it is easy to use, easy to use and very popular.

Step By Step Process

  • Go to and click “Create Wallet” for Wallet Creation.
  • Every time you open your wallet, you will be asked about an email address which will be used to verify your identity.
  • You need to use a password with over 10 characters, low or higher numbers and symbols as strong as you can imagine.
  • Upon completion, a phrase to access your wallet must be entered and saved when your password is forgotten.
  • This is important because if you lose your password, there is no way to recover it.
  • When the confirmation email is verified you’re set to open your wallet and start operating on bitcoins.

Alternative Way To Create Bitcoin Wallet

The wallet that best suits you depends on many factors including for what purpose, you want to use bitcoins. When you have just begun to buy bitcoin, the easiest and easiest way to manage it is by an online wallet. Coinomi is a freely used wallet. The wallet supports other coins as well. By following these steps, you set up a Coinomi wallet:

  1. Go to the iOS (Android) App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Find Coinomi app and download it.
  3. Open the application and write the recovery phrase of 24-words. This will be the backup to your wallet, and is very important.
  4. Set a powerful password
  5. Fill your wallet with bitcoin
  6. Use your Bitcoin receiving address

How To Send And Receive Bitcoins?

You must enter the mail ID and password in order to do this. You can see the control panel on your wallet from which the transaction history can be accessed and the options to send and receive bitcoins can also be found. The settings of the account and several wallet back-up options are also available on Control panel.

The first thing you can do to receive the bitcoin in the wallet is to know your address. You can see it as a QR or an alphanumeric code on the wallet’s control panel. Share it in order for people to send you money. To send Bitcoins, click on the option “Send bitcoin” and specify how you want to send it and the amount.

How To View Transaction History?

By clicking on the tab showing, My Transactions, one can view the transaction-history and details of the transactions done. The pair of addresses, the date of performance of the transaction, the amount sent/received and the number of confirmations are shown here.


Thus, we have seen in detail, what are Bitcoin Wallets, what are the common types of Bitcoin Wallets, how they can be created as well as how they can be used. When we move into the block-chain era, the use of encryption wallets is becoming more widespread. Bitcoin wallets are a gateway to a much more developed crypto-economy than many would expect.

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