Memory object allocation failure Monero Ethereum Mining Issue SOLVED

A lot of Miners are looking for the solution for issue related to Memory object allocation failure which stops them to mine for higher Hash rate and better performance, they started getting a message like clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed and system start hanging even when they have enough space and Ram.

All this issue is coming because of virtual memory, if you have virtual memory below 2gb then you may face this issue if you have memory above 2gb and you are getting this Memory object allocation failure error then you need to change your system settings.

How to Solve Memory object allocation failure Issue

To solve this issue you need to increase paging file from your window setting and to do this you need to go to
Windows Start button > Type: Advanced System Settings > Performance Settings >Advanced Tab >Virtual Memory > Change button: Custom size: 60000MB / Maximum Size: 60000MB

Memory object allocation failure

Note = Set this Custom size and maximum size according to space available in your system, If you have 4GB then set 35000MB

This will solve your Memory object allocation failure issue because by default its set to either 9000 or 8000.
Hope this will clear your Mining related problem.

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