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Id | bsv |
Symbol | bsv |
Name | $BSV |
Current Price | 0.050871 |
Market Cap | 1076741 |
Market Cap Rank | 2366 |
Fully Diluted Valuation | 1076741 |
Total Volume | 35847 |
High 24h | 0.060096 |
Low 24h | 0.050233 |
Price Change 24h | -0.0087378263664907 |
Price Change Percentage 24h | -14.65872 |
Market Cap Change 24h | -154908.37996992 |
Market Cap Change Percentage 24h | -12.57731 |
Circulating Supply | 21000000 |
Total Supply | 21000000 |
Max Supply | |
Ath | 0.212971 |
Ath Change Percentage | -75.92306 |
Ath Date | 2023-12-16T18:44:47.053Z |
Atl | 0.00739475 |
Atl Change Percentage | 593.424 |
Atl Date | 2023-09-28T14:14:29.968Z |
Roi | |
Last Updated | 2024-01-19T11:29:34.000Z |
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