
Trade volume 24 hr - 388353651.43454 USD (140496.59079085 BTC )

Binance Fee Calculator


At this time, the digital currency exchange market is overflowing with a broad variety of choices. But selecting the right exchange or trading policy can be quite a problem for both novices as well as expert cryptocurrency users. Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange. This was ongoing in China but then stirred their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular just because of its crypto to crypto exchange services. Binance exploded onto the sight in the mania of 2017 as well as has since gone on to turn into the top crypto swap in the world.

Binance Fees and Limits:

At the time of inscription, Binance charges as the usual fee of 0.1% on each trade that a user makes. Those who decide to pay via the Binance token can get a 50% discount on the trade fee,which is totally great news. These are certainly some of the lowest fees accessible at this time. Withdrawal fees tend to differ for each digital currency. For example, 0.0005 is electric for
Bitcoin withdrawals, as well as 0.005 are charged for ETH withdrawals.

Paying by Debit and Credit Card
Binance allows users to make debit and credit card payments for cryptocurrencies via a company with Simplex. It is likely to purchase Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), as well as XRP tokens by Visa and MasterCard and the profits of using a debit or credit card on
Binance include:
 Swift Transfers: Average 10-30 minutes for cryptocurrency to arrive at your wallet.
 Low Fees: only 3.5% per deal or 10 USD, whichever is higher.
 Convenient: Visa and MasterCard conventional.

First-time customers are obligatory to go through a one-time Know Your Customer (KYC) document confirmation. When using the service, it is necessary to follow the instruction prompts after the order sheet and go through the confirmation. In order to absolute the verification process, it is necessary to present 1 or 2 forms of Government Issue ID documents as a Passport, Driver’s License, or Medicare card, as well as your house address. Any recurring customers, who have previously completed KYC verification,will be sent to the order précis page directly after aperture a new order. Each account is connected to a mobile number, and customers should ensure to use the mobile number given when the first implementation of the verification procedure. Anyone choose to use a new mobile number will be necessary to complete the ID verification procedure once again.

Binance Customer Support:
For a swap to be successful, it requires an immense customer support team, able to answer all user questions as well as requests in an appropriate manner. While the support area on Binance could utilize a little work, the team is receptive and able to offer professional aid to traders in require. The support ticket is submitted via an online form feature on the website,and responses are complete via email. There is presently no live chat hold, not a phone number where clients can contact the support team.

Currently, the comparable engine of the swap is able to process about 1.4 million orders each
second, hence building it one of the greatest exchanges available on the marketplace.